The ComfyGo 6011 – A Review

The ComfyGo IQ-8000 Limited Edition folding electric wheelchair is one of the best mid-range electric wheelchairs you can buy. This chair is heavy duty folding, weighing 286 pounds for a 17.5-inch-wide chair or 310 pounds for a 20-inch-wide chair.

This chair is designed to meet your expectations. The IQ-8000 Limited Edition Folding Electric Wheelchair weighs only 55 pounds with battery, making it one of the lightest folding electric wheelchairs on the market today. Folds in 3 seconds and fits easily in most vehicles. It’s great and easy to store when you travel. There is also a head and backrest with adjustable inclination.

ComfyGo IQ-8000 Limited Edition folding wheelchair can be customized to make it more comfortable and to your liking. The frame comes in six different color options: black, blue, brown, red, silver and yellow.

It is also available in five different color options for the cushion and back: normal, black, blue, red and bold. In addition, there are two options for a seat width of 17.5 inches or, if a wider seat is needed, it is also available in a 20-inch version.

There are also two options for lithium-ion batteries. One is a 12Ah battery that lets you go up to 10 miles on a single charge, while the other is a 20Ah battery that lets you go up to 27 miles on a single charge. For more on foldable power wheelchairs visit Everlasting Mobility.

A unique feature of this wheelchair is that it comes with a remote control. This is useful if you are a wheelchair user and want to check your wheelchair. Connecting the joystick remote requires a few simple steps, but once done, it’s easy to use.

If you’re active and on the go, the IQ-8000 Limited Edition Folding Electric Wheelchair is an excellent choice because it’s not only lightweight, but also certified for air travel. In addition, this folding electric wheelchair offers a comfortable seat with memory foam for added comfort. This electric powered chair has two motors and shock absorbers for a more relaxed ride.

These various electric wheelchairs are powered by Li-ion batteries and use a DC motor. Users can control the direction and adjust the speed with the joystick on the shoulder. This wheelchair can be used at low speed, has good road condition and can handle low slopes.

The IQ-8000 has an adjustable (folding) backrest and storage space under the seat. The battery has a range of 17+ miles and drives comfortably on different types of roads such as grass, driveway, lane, brick, mud, snow, bumpy road.

Lithium batteries can be charged and used together or separately. A certified high quality global charger is approved for the battery. Other features include 360-degree waterproof universal smart joystick, power indicator, power switch, horn, and speed indicator.

Everlasting Mobility is the number one online seller for all terrain power wheelchairs. With excellent customer support, no sales tax, FREE Shipping and financing, we offer the best in web pricing.