The Do’s and Don’ts of Video Marketing in 2021

Are you creating content but not making videos? Sorry to be the one to tell you, but it’s a mistake. Everyone knows that video is no longer a trend, but rather the content. It generates more interaction on the part of the users, improves the permanence on our website and also allows us to connect on a sentimental level with the users who visit our website.

It is not just anything. Few content can give you so much in such a short time. Starting to use video (if you are not already doing it) in your content strategy is the best decision you will make this year. And if you stop smoking, the second. The objective of this post is nothing more than to help you break down those barriers that we impose on ourselves when not starting to create your own videos. Make no mistake, these are basically excuses.

So, either by one side or the other, we are going to make those excuses fall under their own weight. A correct use of video does not have to be linked to a large budget, or a large super production. Sometimes the use of video is something as simple as taking advantage of this resource to communicate what sometimes cannot be said otherwise. In this way, the video will become that element that helps us connect with our audience, beyond what text or images can achieve. The text can thrill you, but the video punches you and leaves you dry in 30 seconds.

So what does the success of a video campaign depend on? Of its power of engagement with the audience. About the appropriateness of your message and the point of the moment.

Video Marketing Strategies to Succeed

Creating effective video marketing strategies can help you attract and convert users into customers. But, in addition, once they have become customers, video marketing can transform them into loyal prescribers. What it is about is to get the users themselves who are looking for your content. And this will depend on your creativity and your ability to provide relevant and quality content in an entertaining way.

Video is a great format to achieve all of these goals. And even, implementing it in certain areas can also help you reduce costs. For example, many companies claim to have reduced technical assistance requests by creating demo or support videos.

When you create any type of video content, you are creating strong bonds with your clients. Here are 5 video marketing strategies that you should not stop trying.

  1. The Power of a Good Story: Storytelling

Storytelling is the quintessential strategy in video marketing. It is about creating a corporate narrative whose central axis is entertainment or emotion. The public nowadays shuns direct and traditional advertising. They don’t want to know why your company is the best, or your products the most advanced. They want to know the soul of the brands, understand their values ​​and see their level of social responsibility materialize. It’s about getting to empathize with the audience so that they end up trusting your brand.

  1. Create Video Ads On Social Networks

One of the most powerful tools in digital marketing is social media. Today it is vitally important that all companies have a presence on these platforms. It is an effective way to bring brand awareness and increase sales to a targeted audience. Therefore, you cannot miss the opportunity to advertise on the different social networks. At this point you need to have the ability to create videos in no time and for that you need a video editor that has an automatic creation feature. In this case Wondershare Filmii is the best. This video editor is powered by AI technology, allowing you to automatically edit your footage into an extraordinary video. This software provides many templates that you can choose according to your theme. Not only templates, Wondershare Filmii also allows you to use tons of effects on your videos.

Send Personalized Short Videos to Your Followers

  1. Send Personalized Short Videos to Your Followers

Another of the best video marketing strategies that you can implement is to use video to dialogue with your followers. Social networks are two-way communication platforms. Therefore, it is important to understand that they should not be used only to promote your brand, but to establish a relationship with your customers. In this sense, the vast majority of brands communicate with their customers through textual language. However, if you want to get ahead of your competition, why not send personalized video messages to your customers?

  1. Take Advantage of Videos Created by Users

One of the best ways to boost your brand with video marketing strategies is to take advantage of the content that users generate. There is nothing more effective than engaging users in brand building. Not just to establish a lasting bond with them and earn their trust. But because in turn, other users will tend to trust such content more. In addition, it is one of the best strategies to humanize a brand. Give your customers the limelight to make it clear that they are the most important and transform them into champions of your brand.

  1. Get New Leads with Video Marketing

There are many video marketing strategies that can lead to success. But if what you want at a certain moment is to attract new leads, video is definitely the answer. To attract potential customers you can:

– Include videos in emails: Emailing continues to be one of the strategies with the highest ROI. Including videos in your newsletters can significantly increase your conversions.

– Create landing pages with embedded videos: Landing pages that include video convert much more than those that simply use images.

– Include relevant videos in blog articles: How-to videos are very useful for disseminating complex information and make it easier for users to understand.

But you have to realize that video marketing doesn’t always lead you to increased sales. Here are five things you shouldn’t do:

  1. Provoke Many Discussions

If the materials you create on video tend to generate heated discussions, you are falling into the first of these mistakes with video marketing. Although it can be seen as something positive that people comment on your videos, if it is about fights things are not so convenient, as golden rules you should keep in mind that you should never create videos that hurt people’s feelings and that you should not have attitudes negative with people despite being wrong.

  1. Create Videos Without a Proper Strategy or Goal

When taking video marketing, the possibilities can be considered unlimited, however, as in any digital platform, it is necessary to have a well-defined strategy and goals to achieve, especially if the videos are used through paid advertising. With that in mind, create videos that add value and act as a catalyst to achieve your marketing goals.

  1. Leave Consistency Behind

Although we just mentioned that quality must prevail over quantity, when developing video marketing, it is essential not to lose sight of consistency. The video strategy should include monitoring the frequency of publication, the idea is to find the ideal number for the brand, the one that allows it to continue achieving good results day by day.

  1. Ignore Descriptions and Hashtags

You are falling into the penultimate of the common mistakes with video marketing on Instagram if you do not add descriptions and hashtags to your content. Descriptions are an important part of posts, especially on Instagram. Many times users will see the description and the hashtags used to better understand what the video is about. If you leave this space blank, you are missing a crucial opportunity to generate user engagement.

  1. You Don’t Check the Insights

Finally, if you do not check the analytical data or insights section, you are making the last and possibly most important mistake with video marketing.


Video marketing is an inevitable thing that you have to deal with (if you are a serious marketer). By paying attention to the 5 Dos and 5 Donts above, you can have a guide to make sure your video marketing meets the goals as much as possible.