Why Your Business Needs a Data Storyteller

Almost all types of data are in the form of numbers and figures, making it difficult to understand for most people who are not data experts. So, what if you have all the data you need, but you can’t understand it or present it to others in an informed, insightful way?

In that case, most likely, all the data you collected will be left unused or wasted. The point is that you can’t take advantage of the data you have if you can’t fully understand it, so you can use the knowledge in making data-driven decisions.

When you can’t make use of the data you have, your best option is to get a data storyteller. With today’s data-dominated world of commerce, you can’t afford to get left behind.

To learn why your business needs a data storyteller, read more to see the reasons we outlined in this article.

Decision Making is Not Always Straightforward

In an ideal world, making complicated and high-impact business decisions relies on logic, with every decision based on a specific set of conditions. Of course, it’s not an ideal world.

While you can use data in its raw form, it’s not easy to work with, and you may have a wrong understanding of the data you have. It’s because it’s not easy to understand numbers and figures.

But, when you put the data in the context of a story, you can make it easier to understand and analyse. Because it’s not an ideal world and decisions aren’t purely based on logic, business leaders need to have the best understanding of the data at hand. With a good understanding of data and business instincts, it will be easier to lead the company in the right direction.

Numbers are Tough to Process

When you view multiple data sets, there’s a good chance that you will forget all about what you saw in a matter of minutes. But, have you ever heard a good story? Most likely, you have, and you remember it even to this day.

Numbers are tough to process, and humans can’t retain numbers in the memory bank as much as we can remember stories. 

It’s not the end of the world, though, as you can always use data and figures to tell a story if you’re creative enough. Data storytelling is about presenting data in a way that’s easy to analyse by using different methods such as graphics and narratives.

In this way, your audience won’t only be able to understand the data you’re presenting; they will also be able to have it in their memory for a considerable amount of time.

Stories Make Connections

When you present data during a meeting and all you have in your presentation is a list of figures, the audience might not fully understand your presentation.

But, when you put it in context with data storytelling, it will be easier for you to get your point across as stories can build connections between people better than raw data ever can. With a narrative to follow, the audience will feel more connected to your presentation, which helps in having them understand the data and make the best decision.

Premier Data Storytellers

It’s not enough to have all the data you need; you need to make sure that you can understand it well so it can aid you in making crucial business decisions. If you need help in understanding data and taking advantage of it to the fullest, your company should consider bringing in a financial modelling team that can provide excellent storytelling with data Tableau services.