What to Do When Going Against Someone Powerful

We don’t realize how many powers are controlling us from the dark. It’s different in every country, but it is believed that the idea of democratic government is just an illusion to keep us from revolting. Most of us don’t do anything even if something is not right. No one wants to take a fight with powerful people, but it is our moral duty. Here I’ve shared a few tips that will come in handy if you ever go against someone powerful.

Pick the Mightiest Weapon: Pen

Today’s fights are not about getting in the ring for a duel. You have to be smart when going against someone much more powerful than you. You can’t just enter their homes and threaten them to stop or they will die. It’s unlikely that you will even be able to point out the enemy.

This is why you should take the help of the strongest weapon ever invented and start writing about the issue. You should not just write your opinions, but do research and gather evidence. This will make your writing much more powerful and convincing.

Keep Your Identity Hidden

If you want to fight and keep fighting, you should not go all out in the open. You must keep yourself hidden to keep operating. They will take you out easily if they know you. Remember, they are powerful and at a much stronger standing than you.

It doesn’t necessarily mean that they will kill. They might destroy your reputation and use other tricks to render you helpless and alone. Power doesn’t just mean having more weapons and physical strength. It’s also about the social standing and control of different people from different fields.

To keep serving your purpose without revealing yourself, you should write anonymously. Get in touch with online platforms such as The Doe that will publish your discoveries while keeping your identity a secret.

Join People Like You

The goal is not to die like a brave man but win like a smart man. Instead of trying to be a one-man-army, you should join forces with other like-minded people. You should look for people who will understand your cause and join you in it.

Two people are better than one. Everyone will have something valuable to offer. The cause will continue even if they get rid of you. With more people, you will have more power and it will be easier to spread your message and bring down the giant. Your cause will end with you if you work alone.

Don’t Talk without Proof

Your goal is to spread awareness. Only smart people are willing to change their beliefs and think outside the box. They will listen to you and follow your cause if you are able to convince them. However, smart people don’t just trust anyone or anything.

They will need logical proof and evidence. They will even do their own research before believing anything you say. This is why you have to be smart and collect solid proof before sharing any information.