9 Ways Water Helps Keep You Healthy

Health professionals recognize the critical role of water in preventing or relieving many common health problems. This is why they recommend drinking at least eight glasses (more if it’s hot) each day to keep you feeling and looking your best. Water performs many essential functions–from helping us to see and breathe to keeping our blood circulating through our veins.

Here’s a look at how staying hydrated can help keep your body healthy:

Water Can Help You Lose Weight

Your body is more likely to store fat when it’s short on water. As such, drinking enough water may help you meet your weight-loss goals. Taking it before a meal and between courses may also help you feel full faster and eat less at mealtimes. This could play a role in weight loss.

Water Helps Keep Skin Smooth and Healthy

Water is essential for helping to maintain the skin’s integrity. The outer layer of your skin may dry up and crack when it lacks enough water. Hence, this leaves you more vulnerable to infection. Dehydrated skin also has less elasticity, which means wrinkles are more likely to appear.

Water Lubricates the Joints

Cartilage mostly consists of water. As such, staying hydrated may help keep your joints gliding easily. The cartilage will become stiff and inflexible without enough moisture, causing pain and stiffness. People who spend more time in mobility scooters will be in more need of joint lubrication.

Water Helps You Feel Refreshed and Energized For Your Day

We tend to crave water-rich foods such as fruits and vegetables when we’re thirsty. Why? Water helps to transport nutrients around the body and regulates body temperature. So, our metabolic rate slows down when we’re dehydrated, which takes the cells less energy to perform their normal tasks.

Water Aids in Relieving Sore Muscles

Muscles get tight and dry due to lack of water. It’s no wonder that most athletes drink water before, during, and after workouts. People with disabilities and mobility issues are also vulnerable to sore muscles; hence need more water.The water helps muscles stay hydrated, which can decrease the risk of injuries.

Water Relieves Headaches and Migraines

Water plays a key role in maintaining proper blood volume and helps transport oxygen and other nutrients to the brain. Dehydration means that we don’t have enough fluid to fill our blood vessels, leading to contraction. This can lead to headaches and even migraines.

Water Removes Toxins from the Body

Many people think they can relieve their bodies of toxins by drinking a glass of natural juice or detoxifying tea. However, water is the best way to help boost your kidneys and lymphatic system. Moreover, don’t forget that it’s also what your liver uses to process alcohol.

Water is a Fatigue Reliever

Ever feel a little exhausted, but you attribute it to everything except for dehydration? That’s how many of us tend to feel. Water might be just what the body needs. Having enough fluids in our bodies helps transport nutrients around the body as well as provide energy.

Water May Help With Ear, Nose, and Throat Problems

Drinking extra water can help flush out the ear canal and the nasal sinuses, reducing congestion in these areas. It can also prevent vocal cord problems (vocal cords need to be moist for good speaking).