5 Surprising Benefits of Smoking Hemp Flower

People consume cannabis for a number of reasons.

Some like to consume edibles laced with high amounts of psychotropic THC and let their minds wander.

But others prefer cannabis with higher amounts of CBD, the compound that doesn’t make you feel high, but that offers plenty of incredible benefits.

The hemp flower is in this camp. It is low in THC but a superb source of CBD. And if you’re curious about trying it, it’s completely understandable.

But first, learn these five surprising benefits of smoking the hemp flower.

Less Harmful Than Tobacco

Let’s get this one out of the way right off the bat.

A lot of people look down on smoking cannabis, associating it with tobacco cigarettes and its dangers.

But hemp follower cigarettes contain none of the carcinogenic chemicals that tobacco cigarettes do. These are the chemicals that make tobacco cigarettes extremely bad for your health.

They also do not contain nicotine, the agent that makes tobacco cigarettes addictive.

So while it may surprise you that smoking hemp flower is less harmful than tobacco, it’s true. There are no carcinogens or nicotine in hemp cigarettes!


Although you won’t get high from smoking the hemp flower, it will likely make you feel euphoric. This is not a reaction from psychoactive chemicals, because again, it contains CBD, not THC.

It likely causes a sense of euphoria due to the intense relaxation smoking CBD makes people feel. If you had a tough day or are under lots of stress in general, you can be sure that smoking hemp flowers will take weight off your shoulders.

The CBD in hemp is also a popular anti-depressant. For people who have bouts of depression, smoking hemp can provide serious relief.

So much so, that it will likely make you feel happy, extremely chill, and yes, even euphoric.

The Benefits of Smoking CBD Hemp Flower | Hemp Smoking Guide

A Natural Pain Reliever

Smoking hemp flower may help relieve your nagging aches and pains.

This again is due to hemp’s CBD content. Studies show that when ingested, CBD suppresses the body’s inflammation and pain receptors.

For anyone who suffers from chronic pain and is sick of taking medicine to deal with it, smoking hemp flower may be a surprising alternative.

And considering the problems we have with opioid addictions in this country and across the globe, we should be interested in investigating other possibilities.


Regular hemp smokers tend to agree that the smoking hemp flower makes them feel uplifted.

Similar to the euphoria sensation, this is not due to a psychoactive response in the brain. It is believed that this is hemp’s CBD properties mingling with your body chemistry.

It’s also crucial to note that not everyone has this type of experience when smoking hemp. To feel any sort of mood response, besides relaxation, you generally have to smoke a massive quantity of hemp.

The occasional tokers will likely not note an intense uplifting feeling. They’re most likely to feel relaxed and reap the pain relieving, antidepressant benefits.

It’s Paranoia-Free

Another aspect that sets smoking hemp apart from smoking THC-heavy cannabis is the lack of paranoia you will feel.

Many people remember having “bad trips” the first time they smoked marijuana, even if it was decades earlier.

The aspect they liked least? The paranoia! THC is the agent that causes intense feelings of paranoia when consumed.

CBD does not cause paranoia, so you will not feel that when you smoke it. In fact, some people who smoke marijuana to get high choose strains with a balanced amount of THC and CBD, hoping the CBD will eliminate the paranoia caused by THC!


We still have a lot to learn about the cannabis plant, its various compounds, and how they interact with our bodies.

But there is lots of scientific evidence to attest to the benefits of smoking hemp flower. It is rich in CBD and you don’t have to worry about suffering any intoxicating effects like with THC cannabis strains.

To learn more about hemp flower cigarettes and what to expect if you smoke them, check out this resource.