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Launching a Successful Email Campaign is Easier with these Tips

Launching a Successful Email Campaign is Easier with these Tips

Emails have continued to reign the race of all communication methods used everywhere. With around 3.9 billion active users, mostly half of the world population checks email every few hours. Easy to read, access, and interact with. Maybe this is why it has been so popular in almost every marketing campaign. Most organizations, big or small, drive online businesses using various flavours of technology dipped in email marketing campaigns for multiple benefits.

In this article, we have compiled successful tips to launch a successful email campaign with maximum benefits.

Create Captivating Headlines

You cannot always impress your readers with the same pattern of headlines for every other email. Instead, you have to hook your readers with fresh content, exciting headlines, and a level of relevancy. With that, the first thing you must focus on while drafting your email campaigns is the subject lines. Keeping the character limit to 40, make sure your headlines are as relevant and captivating as your concept of selling your product or service with the right marketing strategy.

60% of readers or subscribers will leave your emails unread if the subject lines are not convincing. Thus, stay attentive when creating headlines or subject lines, as they are the ultimate deciders of your open rates and click-through rates.

Choose Result-driven Platform for Email Marketing Campaigns

Salesforce, the ever-so-popular Customer Relationship Management (CRM), is one of the most often used platforms by email marketers. It bridges the connection between businesses and customers with its exceptional automation and tools such as Pardot, Email Studio, Journey Builder, etc. Marketers can get a broad scope and access to any of these tools to maximize their email marketing potential to the fullest. With its professional high-level marketing software, businesses can plan their email marketing strategies, segment customers, and optimize their customer engagement.

You can also hire or consult salesforce experts for proper guidance while planning your email campaigns.

Stay Loyal to Timings

Just as email campaigns are effective with powerful platforms, timings are essential for connecting with the target audience. So, when you win over a new lead, prioritize sending them welcome emails as soon as they sign up. Later, it is all about the timing game. You must learn to trigger your emails based on the calculated timing as a part of your email marketing campaign.

Studies show that emails receive good CTRs and open rates from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m or from 8:00 p.m. to midnight. Also, the majority of the engagement rates depend on the varying time zones of your target audience and subscribers. Thus, always remember, timing and monitoring is the key to drive your effective email campaigns. Also, if you constantly bombard them with consistent emails, it may become obnoxious.

Learn to Segment Your Audience

Customer segmentation, considered one of the top-listed email best practices is a must for every email campaign. It is a practice of segmenting or narrowing down your email list into specific targeted groups of target audience based on some factors. It will help you gain analytics, conduct inspection, and improve your campaigns post-deployment. You can segment your audience based on the subscriptions your subscribers have subscribed for, such as:

One of the best ways to achieve segmentation is by integrating campaigns with CRM such as Salesforce. It helps you create and segment email lists with the right set of automation tools fit for your campaign. To know more about it, you can always consult salesforce experts.

Offer Quality Personalization

Right after building and segmentation of your email or subscriber list, focus on delivering personalization to your target audience. For example, confident readers or subscribers want to receive every update, while some love to read every update based on frequency and preferences. So, always allow them to set their priorities.

Personalization at/ After Signup

Give your visitors or audiences the preference of selecting whether they want to receive email updates, what kind of updates, and how often they wish to receive them at or after signing up for your service. Additionally, also provide them with an option to unsubscribe or update their preferences.

Updating Email Settings or Unsubscribe

If your reader is willing to unsubscribe, always offer them an opportunity to update their preferences or email settings. It will help you deliver quality personalization and also decrease the rate of unsubscribe rates.

Set up Tracking

If you want to measure the effectiveness of your email campaigns, you must set up proper tracking. Make sure you track and measure the minutest of details, such as:

Tools such as Salesforce Pardot are great tracking tools for timely monitoring the performance of your campaigns to improve the customer experience. Also, with the integration of their services, you can gain exclusive insights from the team of salesforce experts.

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