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How To Determine That Your Credit Score Is Low?

How To Determine That Your Credit Score Is Low?

One of the crucial indicators of financial health is a credit score. Your credit score tells lenders instantly how responsibly you are using your credit. The higher your credit score, the simpler it will be to get approval for the new credit options of credit lines. A higher credit score can even assist you in getting the best available rate of interest when borrowing. Those with a higher score are looked upon as lower-risk individuals, and more banks compete to entice such individuals by providing a lower rate of interest, fees & perks. On the contrary, those with a low credit score are considered higher-risk applicants, with just limited lenders competing for such applicants.

Missed or late payments, high credit card balances, and an imbalanced asset mix ​- all of them, negatively impact your credit score. Generally, a credit score of less than 750 is not looked upon as an excellent credit score. Additionally, a credit score lower than 760 is looked upon as poor by various lenders. If your credit score is less than 650, you must ensure to take specific credit score amelioration tips seriously. There are various simple and quick things you must do to ameliorate your score. While improving your score may take specific months, you can start working for a better credit score instantly. Wondering how you can ameliorate your score. Before this, remember that there are major 4 credit bureaus that compute your credit score. These bureaus include – CIBIL, Experian, Equifax, and CRIF HighMark. Most lenders prefer the credit score from CIBIL to be the most accurate score and thus prefer them highly when checking your score to consider your credibility.  Note that CIBIL full form is Credit Information Bureau India Limited.

To know your CIBIL credit score, you can approach any of the online financial markets. Such marketplaces provide you with free monthly credit reports. However, if you want to avail your CIBIL report from the CIBIL site, then you must ensure to do the CIBIL login registration before moving ahead with fetching your CIBIL report. Read on here to learn some of the crucial credit score amelioration tips –

Assess Your Credit Report – 

Knowing what may work in your favour can assist you in ameliorating your credit chances. Here’s where your credit history matters the most. As mentioned above, ensure to obtain a copy of your credit report from any of the national credit reporting agencies – CIBIL, Experian, Equifax or CRIF Highmark. You can do so for free once every month by approaching their official site. Then, review each of the bureau’s reports to check what is assisting or hampering your thorough credit score. A thorough history of on-time payments, a mix of credit card & loan accounts, low credit card balances, older credit accounts, and minimal credit inquiries all can contribute to ameliorating your credit score.

Get A Hint Of All Your Bill Payments – 

Your payment history holds the greatest impact on your score. Therefore, paying your debts is highly preferable to stay on your record. In case you paid all your debts in a responsible manner and on time, then this would work well in your favour.

Avoiding late payments at all costs is a crucial way to ameliorate your score. A few ideas for doing so are listed below:

Aim For 30 Per Cent Or Less Credit Utilization – 

Credit utilization refers to the percentage of your credit card limit used at a given time. The most straightforward way of keeping your credit utilization under good control is paying off your card balances in totality every month. In case you cannot do this constantly, a prudent thumb rule is to keep your overall outstanding balance at 30 per cent or even less than your overall credit card limit. You can then work on lowering this to 10 per cent or even less, which may be considered ideal for ameliorating your score. Next, the best way of improving your CUR or credit utilization ratio is to ask your issuer to enhance your credit card limit.

Maintain An Old Account And Manage Delinquencies – 

Note that the higher the age of your credit, the more appealing this will be to your lenders or issuers. Thus, you may close those credit accounts that you are no longer using. While the credit history for such accounts will be mentioned on your credit report, taking the decision to close your card while carrying a balance on the rest of your cards will lower your available credit card limit and enhance your credit utilization ratio (CUR). It can lead to a reduction of a few credit points from the overall credit card limit.

Ensure to take action to resolve any kind of delinquent account, collection accounts or charge-offs. For instance, if you hold an account with numerous late or missed payments, catch on to your past outstanding and then form a strategy for making your future repayments on time. This will not just lower the interest being charged but even ameliorate your payment history in the future.

In case you have collections, accounts or charge-offs, consider whether it is better to pay all of them in full or ask the creditor to settle in case you cannot make the payment in full. Ensure to keep in mind that if you settle your account, then this may create a negative impact on your score and may remain in your report for a long.

Go for Debt Consolidation – 

In case you hold a lot of debts, it may be a great idea to opt for the debt consolidation option from the lender and pay them all at once. If you opt for this route, then you will have just one payment to conduct, and if you can avail of a lower rate of interest on the loan, you will be able to pay your debt much faster. This can lower your CUR (credit utilization ratio) and thus increase your credit score.

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