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Fun And Unique Ideas To Use Your Child’s Favourite Protein Drink

Child’s Favourite Protein Drink

High protein drinks for kids are becoming increasingly popular these days. Parents choose them as an assured way of incorporating protein into the child’s diet. If your child is active and athletic, especially, you need to make sure that they consume enough protein.

Even with the tastiest protein shakes, it can be challenging to retain your child’s interest in it. After all, children do get bored easily. If you have hit the wall when it comes to different tricks to get your child to drink his or her glass of protein-rich milk, here are some more ideas to use these protein drink powders in fun and interesting ways.

Say Hello To Fruits

Protein drinks and fruits are that killer combo that gives every parent the satisfaction of giving their little ones a healthy source of nutrients. The good news is that this is not just the best protein for child growth, it is also one that your child will love.

Berries are the best option to make a delightful protein smoothie for your child. Strawberries, blueberries, or raspberries add a great tang and sweetness to the drink. They also go perfectly well with rich flavours like chocolate that are popular with Gritzo Supermilk. Blend a handful of berries and a scoop of the protein shake to make a wholesome drink for your child.

Alternatively, fruits like bananas and apples give the drink a creamy texture that your child will love. These fruits also help keep your child feeling fuller for longer. So for a pre-playtime drink or as an accompaniment with breakfast, these fruit rich protein smoothies are perfect.

You have the added bonus of a good dose of vitamins, minerals, and fibre as well. Not only do these high protein drinks for kids help them grow faster, but these added nutrients will also keep the body functioning to its best abilities.

Baked Delights

Every kid loves to sink his or her teeth into delightful freshly baked goodies. When making the batter for your child’s favourite cookies, cakes, or brownies, adding a few scoops of their favourite protein drink can elevate the flavour completely. Whether you choose chocolate or more subtle flavours like vanilla, adding protein shakes does two important things.

First, it gives your recipes a fresh, new taste. Second, it makes snack time healthier. You can even avoid using artificial sweeteners as these protein shakes to add that much-needed sweetness to any baked goodie.

There is no end to experimenting with these baked delights. Add some fruits and nuts to give it some more crunch and an extra dose of good health. You can even make tasty icing and glazes for cakes and brownies using these powders.

Crunchy, Protein-Rich Bars

You can even make it easy to eat protein bars with these high protein drinks for kids. There are several recipes that you can try out. To start with, make a thick paste with your favourite protein powder and some milk. Throw in an assortment of dried fruits and nuts and mix well. Scoop the batter out and flatten it on a baking tray and refrigerate for a few hours. You have your own crunchy and gooey protein bar that is the perfect replacement for those sugar-rich chocolate bars.

Simple Snacks

Make a thick paste with the protein powder and some milk. The consistency should resemble chocolate syrup. Now, dip some arrowroot biscuits into the paste and set aside on a baking tray. Refrigerate for a few hours to make a delicious evening snack and a source of the best protein for child growth.

This paste can also be used as a dip for fresh fruits to make fruit pops that are a hit with children everywhere. You can also add it as a topping on waffles or pancakes to make breakfast time more exciting for your little one.

Choose The Right Protein Drink

All the ideas mentioned cannot give your child the best health benefits if the base ingredient, namely the protein drink is not right for your child. Here are some simple tips to help you choose the best high protein drinks for kids:

Once you have the right protein drink, you can begin the experiments. Remember, making food fun for kids is the easiest way to get them to eat what you want. Gritzo Supermilk on its own is also a super delicious drink that kids simply love. Its chocolatey flavour is a sure hit with kids and ensures no fuss milk time everyday!

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