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Building Talent: Boxing Manager Scott O Hirsch Discusses Boxing and the Rewards of Helping Athletes Realize Their Full Potential

Building Talent: Boxing Manager Scott O Hirsch Discusses Boxing and the Rewards of Helping Athletes Realize Their Full Potential

Boxing manager Scott O Hirsch recently saw JD “The Natural” Chapman make a tremendous comeback. It’s just one success in a long line of his career.

Scott is the head of Media Direct Inc., but he’s also the boxing manager of notable names in the sport, including JD Chapman, Shannon Briggs, and Jameel McCline. He discusses the rewards of helping boxers and why it’s one of the most fulfilling experiences of his life.

Fostering Talent: Scott Hirsch Discusses How He Adapts to Athletes

Scott Hirsch has long understood the power of flexibility when it comes to helping athletes. He had to learn quickly how to adapt to the boxers he worked with, but his efforts paid off. In June, JD “The Natural Chapman” went 29 – 0 with an incredible 26 TKOs. While some may have been surprised, he was anything but.

When Hirsch helps boxers, his goal is to help them see what they can do in the context of what they have already done. Scott helps them discover new talents that were always there. Chapman’s return to victory had a lot to do with his belief in his own athletic and mental capabilities, and his confidence had a lot to do with the team backing him up.

Another notable success comes in the form of Shannon Briggs. Briggs may not have seen himself as a public figure when he first started in the ring, but now his professional agenda includes public speaking engagements in front of some of the essential sports franchises in the world.

Evaluating the Opportunities and Moving Ahead

There have been countless comparisons between the sports world and the corporate environment, and Scott O Hirsch has experienced first-hand how the two are connected. When he works with boxers, he’s simultaneously building million-dollar brands.

All successful athletes are accustomed to pushing themselves, and this is a skill that Scott Hirsch CEO has managed to harness in spades. If he’s going to ask his athletes to reach their full potential, he has to be ready to do the same. It’s how he’s managed to come as far as he has.

Scott Hirsch CEO on What It Means to Realize Your Potential

Scott O Hirsch CEO loves to see his athletes hit their goals, regardless of what those goals happen to be. However, he knows that genuinely achieving your potential isn’t necessarily measured in the numbers of TKOs. From his staff at Media Direct, Scott O Hirsch CEO Inc. to his boxers, the point of being there is to assess the situation as-is before challenging a person to do just a little more every day.


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