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4 Ways To Motivate Your Team When Working From Home

Working From Home

Working From Home

Working from home can be tough, as your team’s home life and work life merge together. Without experiencing the excitement that the office has to offer, some people may have lost motivation. As their leader, it is important that you bring your team together and look after them in order for them to work to the best of their ability.

Host Regular Virtual Team Meetings

In order for your team to feel motivated, it is essential that you encourage consistent communication between them. Aim to call each member of your team around once a week for a casual check-in, related to both work and their home lives. Don’t delve too deep, but make sure they’re all okay. Then, organise a call with your whole team at least once every two weeks. Sometimes it might be for a serious meeting, or perhaps you could organise a fun quiz or games night. Make sure you stay connected to your staff and they stay connected with each other to remind them that they are part of an exciting working community, which is sure to make them feel motivated to work hard.

Encourage A Healthy Diet

When someone is working from home, it can be tempting to snack throughout the day. This can make people feel sluggish, especially if they aren’t consuming snacks that are good for them. Of course, we all deserve treats, however encouraging your team to eat foods that will fuel their mind and body is the best option. Things like nuts, dark chocolate, berries and foods containing healthy fats are all great for the brain and productivity. As well as healthy snacks, suggest that staff introduce vitamin C tablets to their diet, as they can assist with maintaining attention and therefore increasing focus. Any multi-vitamin tablet has great benefits for the mind and body, so why not treat your staff and send out a self care package containing some vitamins for them to enjoy.

Fitness Challenges

Alongside the healthy diet, regular exercise is another thing that contributes to people feeling motivated. For many people, any form of exercise is a stress reliever. This may be a morning exercise class before work, a 30 minute walk during a lunch hour or a long run in the evening. Being able to burn off some steam and clear the mind is essential in order to remain positive and focused. Try involving your entire team by sending out different weekly fitness challenges to encourage a bit of competition within the office.

Set Clear Expectations

If employees feel in any way confused about what they are aiming to achieve, this can massively reduce motivation. Providing clear goals for your team to work towards and offering support to help them meet those goals is important. Working from home is tough for many people, so try providing incentives to keep them going through this difficult time.

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