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4 Steps To Creating A Well-Known Brand

4 Steps To Creating A Well-Known Brand

Any small business starts with an idea. The idea is to solve an existing problem and venture into a market gap. This leads to product research and development. Next, the product goes through several stages of processing and trials. Necessary certificates are applied to ensure that the product is market-safe. This leads to the patent application if possible to protect the developing rights.

However, things don’t end here. This is where the hard part starts. To sustain a business, sales are crucial, and developing a product won’t ensure that people will automatically start buying it. Therefore, it is crucial to brändi loomine, so people would start looking up the product. Here is a basic seven-step process to build a well-known brand.

Research Your Place in the Market

It is very important to understand your market, and how it behaves. Hence, it is crucial to figure out who your competitors are, and how well they are doing. Next, figure out your target audience, and the volume of business they can bring. Start by googling your product’s profile online.

Find your direct and indirect consumers. Visit their page and read about the services they offer. Now, conduct an informal survey with the consumers of the established brand regarding the kind of products they purchase frequently. Lastly, browse through the competitor’s shopping website and take note of the experience.

Define the Brand’s Focus and Personality

This is the part where you must get creative. Write a single-line statement that positions your company in the market, and tells your consumers about the products you will be selling.

Start by forming a positioning statement, which could be of one or two lines. A positioning statement defines your place in the market. You can use this statement to spread word of mouth.

Find catchy keywords that could be useful when marketing digitally. Next, you may use some metaphors to enhance the relatability and comprehensibility of the product.

Choose a Business Name And Create a Logo

This is the part that will define the future of your company. Contrary to William Shakespeare, everything is in the name. We may agree that a company is much more than a name, and it’s true.

But your business name is what will define your company’s personality and create a space in the market. Ensure that you don’t pick a generic or a complicated name. Now, choose a color combination that would go with your brand’s personality.

Once you have decided upon the color scheme, decide the font of your business name that will appear. Ensure that the font looks creative. Now, proceed to the logo design. Once you develop the logo, move to product packaging.

Market Your Product

Product marketing is crucial to creating consumer awareness. If your product is something that forces behavioral change, marketing would be a game-changer for you. Therefore, hire an established marketing agency to outsource this task.

You may go for digital marketing, electronic media marketing, or banner advertising depending on your funds. Needless to say, marketing is the most important step when creating a brand.


If you want to start a business and you already have a promising product, you may hire a competent agency to create your brand. HUNDRED⁹⁹ can help you find all the solutions associated with brand creation. They are pioneers in third-party product design and brand development.

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